A hungry quest begins

After a long, arduous day of waiting for his Busy Beaver machine to terminate, our hero and favorite theoretical computer scientist Bruno L. is famished. His mind turns suddenly to his mother's world-famous Regular Language Lasagna. "Mmmmm," he thinks. "I sure could go for some of that right now."

He pulls out his mother's dog-eared book of recipes and flips to page 3102. (His mother was an inventive cook.)

Mama's World-Famous Regular Language Lasagna

Input Alphabet, \( \Sigma = \{ B, C, M, N, P, T \} \)

Labelling Function, \( F \): \[ \begin{align} F(B) &= \text{"Bechamel sauce"} \\ F(C) &= \text{"Ricotta cheese"} \\ F(N) &= \text{"Lasagna noodle"} \\ F(P) &= \text{"Parmesan"} \\ F(T) &= \text{"Tomato sauce"} \\ F(M) &= \text{"Mozzarella cheese"} \\ \end{align} \]

Lasagna Language:



  1. Secure each of the elements of \( \Sigma \).
  2. Construct a lasagna \( L \) such that \( L \in \) the language specified by the regular expression above.

"Oh no," he gasps, "I have everything I need to construct this lasagna... except the noodles!"

Will you help Bruno make his lasagna?

